Thursday, June 16, 2011

Financing Cosmetic Surgery? Better Think Again - Associated Content

There are more plastic surgeons today than ever before, thanks to Red Carpet events in Hollywood, the consumption of McDonald's Big Macs and reality shows. According to Science�Daily , a whopping 48% of women and 23% of men are willing to have cosmetic surgery --I'm guessing they would if they could afford the procedure. It's likely this group of people have seen surgical procedures on television or on YouTube, and are eager to make an appointment for a nip or a tuck. The sad reality, however, is that most of us just don't have the funds to pay for these elective procedures, so we look for alternatives, such as eating healthier and going to the gym. Sometimes it just does not help. Now what?

Enter plastic surgery financing firms. Yes, these villainous places exist, and some are out for blood, no pun intended. Their magic power is to make your money disappear. Not only will they charge the patient a fee for considering a loan, but they will approve it, too, with hopes that the plastic surgeon the patient chooses will sign a contract with them. They have one hand in your purse while the other hand is digging into the lab coat of the doctor. They get double the benefits for the price your vanity.

Are you shocked yet? Not only will the loan provider charge the customer for the amount loaned plus 18% interest, but some of these places will also charge the plastic surgeon up to a 20% fee for providing the surgery. Some physicians will shy away from these shady loan firms and will instead, suggest using CapitalOne credit cards, or CareCredit, a healthcare financing less shady than the rest. Regardless, a loan is a loan. Some are just worse than others.

What happens if your doctor is one that refuses to sign the contract so that this loan (and surgery) can take place? The loan company keeps the registration fee. No matter how you look at it, the loan company is the winner here. Think twice before considering a loan through a "easy to apply" plastic surgery loan company.


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